Dreamery Gardens
“The woodlands of Yorkshire are brimming with a hundred different sorts of faerie races, both noble and otherwise; and while some of them could be said to be as mad as their southern cousins; none would call them frivolous”.
Professor Harvey John Howland, The Northern Faerie, 1847

Since we became guardians of the woodland over a decade ago we have been meticulously gathering a fabulous collection of fairy artefacts and tiny houses from the woods. Add to that our fab collection of fairy clothes and furniture and we simply have to open a fairy museum in which to display them all.

This will form part of England’s first fairy sanctuary, essential to protect our little friends. This also means we can open up some of the old fairy trails through the woods, where kids can experience for themselves some of the treehouses, roots and trees that form the fairy homes.

This woodland fairy trail will be a fascinating outing for adults as well as kids – forget tacky plastic, this will be the first of its kind in the UK and the best part, as Jollydays guests you will experience it for free if staying at camp 2 nights or more.

If your little ones (or big ones, we don’t discriminate!) love fairies, this might just be the best family holiday in the UK!