Family glamping
"There is nothing wrong with having a tree as a friend."
Bob Ross

If you’re looking for a great family glamping holiday close to York, Jollydays is the perfect place to visit. There is something so special about spending time in the woods – they have a magic all of their own. It has been transformational for our own family and we wanted to give other families the same gift.

Long before the true horrors of electronic devices and social media came to the fore we chose not to have Wifi, so children at the camp are freed from the tyranny of technology and have time to dream, muck about and discover and connect with what’s real.
We deliberately keep things simple to encourage creative play - our “entertainment complex” consists of a wooden Wendy house and a rope swing. The lack of prescriptive play equipment not only fosters creative play, but also cooperation between children. To get the best out of your glamping trip we always recommend coming during school holidays, (or mid weeks if pre school) so there are plenty of other families about – it’s just a lot more fun.
Den building is the most popular pursuit for older kids (as well as many adults!), while younger ones can spend hours building fairy houses or bug hunting.

Next to the camp in the woods is a fantastic fairy trail through the woods, open as a separate attraction, Jollydays guests will get to visit it for free. If you’re thinking of a family glamping break, look no further.